How to write a concept paper
Essay Topics About Gender Role In Marriage
Monday, August 24, 2020
Letter to editor free essay sample
Todays youth is uninformed, apathetic, spoilt and through and through revolting, so contrarily and antagonistically the general public around us has changed, as ccording to certain individuals slanted to wistfulness. Is this valid? It will be just veracious to state that the offspring of today and their job in the general public have changed altogether, however so did their general surroundings and the particular conditions. Instead of remain at home and spend their lives taking a shot at a ranch, or in the family shop, as depicted by the creator of the letter, they, in particular we are exceeding expectations in schools and advanced education. It may appear that we don't invest a lot of energy in it in any case, truth be told, he pressure on us to get an advanced education, which in fact is significantly less important than 50 years back because of scholarly expansion, is a pressure the past ages have not experienced at this point and which we appear to in any case oversee. We will compose a custom paper test on Letter to proofreader or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The requests and desires (both market and parental) are high and I do accept that relatively we are not more terrible than our regarded forerunners. The qualifications of the new age are as simple to see, as will promptly be seen in numerous angles. From the job youngsters play in their families to the manner in which they acquire their livings; from the anguage they currently use to their neglectfulness and what we see as base. Because of changes around them, teenagers presently end up assuming an alternate job then what they used to. Kids used to be relied upon to either take a shot at the homestead with their family, or invest their energy working in the neighborhood supermarket, or get the things done. Presently kids are for the most part expected to get respectable evaluations at school yet that is what market requests, isnt it? What's more, if the market pays for the scholarly work, it doesn't imply that they are softies. In addition, these days numerous youngsters endeavor for cash, yet in addition for the working involvement with the separate vocation field, basic to find a decent Line of work later. All and all, today it is required to stand by longer to get progressively proficient experience and information so as to discover certain chances, however does holding up make youth apathetic or non-ready to work? Additionally, as indicated by the author, the youthful age underestimates their mindful families, however I can guarantee you that the family esteems despite everything do win even among out age cap normally viewed as lewd. The family picture has changed Just like nearly everything else, except in any case, we despite everything keep up that custom of living respectively as a family. More established siblings are as yet expected to look out for and care for their more youthful sisters, they are completely expected to assist with tasks, kids despite everything do tune in to their folks. Taking everything into account, I might want to state that in spite of the fact that the distinctions appear The tamily picture has changed, however in any case, we despite everything keep up that convention f living respectively as a family. More seasoned siblings are as yet expected to look out for and care for their more youthful sisters, they are totally expected to assist with tasks, and are completely expected to tune in to their folks. to exceed the similitudes, youth of today is despite everything formed upon their folks. Kids are standing firm to have any kind of effect as per the evolving scene, yet it has consistently been this way, many ages. As far as it matters for me, I trust that our ages fgures out an approach to reduce these inconsistencies, as well.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysing case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Investigating case - Essay Example Notwithstanding, there are individual and hierarchical level figures that whenever considered would improve the probability for a representative to change because of input. Singular forerunners (IPs) There are five individual-level antecedents that, when present, improve the probability that a worker will change because of criticism. The five IPs are: 1) Awareness; 2) Sense of Necessity; 3) Confronting Change; 4) Willingness for input; and 5) Development Orientation. The focal IP is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the thing that causes a person to recognize that a difficult exists and that it calls for change. Feeling of need is the acknowledgment that an adjustment in conduct is significant and that it must be finished. Standing up to change is an augmentation to mindfulness yet with a more noteworthy comprehension of the means expected to change. Eagerness for input demonstrates passionate status for criticism and receptiveness to straight to the point assessments from others. Advancem ent direction includes having confidence in looking for improvement through difficult new things and looking for learning openings (Silverman, Pogson, and Cober 141). Works refered to Silverman, Stanley B, Corrie E Pogson, and Alana B Cober.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
5 Ways to Alleviate Homesickness
5 Ways to Alleviate Homesickness Top 5 Ways to Deal With Homesickness Top 5 Ways to Deal With Homesickness The shock of upending your life and moving across country, or across the world for some students, to attend college or university can cause your first big dose of homesickness. Suddenly leaving everything and everyone you know behind, especially if its your first time living away from home, can make new university students anxious and depressed. Often, students get trapped in a downward emotional spiral, worsening their homesickness by doing things that only make it worse. Homesickness is most often temporary, and once you settle into the routine of your new life, it ends up disappearing or becoming much less intense. If you are suffering from homesickness and would like some relief, below are 5 tips to help tackle it. Dont Stay in Your Room One of the worst things you can do if you are feeling homesick is to stay locked up in your room. Many new university students often try and cope with their homesickness by spending an unhealthy amount of time talking to friends and family, using it as a coping mechanism that can end up making matters worse. The best way to get over your homesickness fast is to explore the campus. Instead of sitting on your bed, take your reading or writing to the campus coffee shop, or even an off campus coffee shop. Simply being around other people who are probably experiencing the same thing can make a world of difference. Allow Time for Sadness This may seem counterproductive, but if you allot yourself time where you are allowed to be emotional and sad about how homesickness is affecting you, you can deal with these normal emotions in a more healthy way. If you have no class on Friday, instead of spending the whole day wallowing in your room, allow yourself a couple of hours to be by yourself and then get active and get your mind off it. Create Similarities While it is unlikely that your university town, residence, apartment etc. will ever be able to compare to, or take the place of where you grew up, it doesnt hurt to try and recreate the life that you left, to the best of your abilities. Did you have a hobby that you pursued with your friends back home? Look for similar clubs, or social groups to join on campus. Did you have a large, vibrant social circle that made you feel appreciated and comforted? Make an effort to be friendly with and meet new people on a daily basis. Do you crave community involvement? Why not try volunteering some of your time if you have some to spare in between classes? A lot of research has confirmed that volunteering your time does a lot to boost feelings of mental well-being. Pick up a Part Time Job If you can afford it, a great way to help take your mind off homesickness, as well as make some money and feel like you are being productive, is to pick up a part time job, whether on, or off campus. If you can spare the time throughout the week, or on the weekends, a part time job is often a good way to make you feel productive, which is good for your mental well-being, as well as a great way to broaden your social circle. Tell Yourself Youre not Alone Its easy to feel like you are the only person in the world going through something and that no one could possibly understand your pain, but the truth is, what you are experiencing is completely normal and very common. You would be surprised at the number of university students who are feeling and thinking the exact same things as you. If you need to talk to someone and dont feel comfortable discussing it with your peers, counselling centres on campus are full of caring, empathetic, experienced people who can help talk you through your emotions. They are adept at providing important perspectives on what you are going through. Dont give up! Homesickness can be crippling for some people, even prompting some students to give up. Homesickness is rarely permanent, and with the right approach, fairly easily dealt with. Starting a new chapter in your life, away from friends, family and familiarity is no walk in the park. If you find that homesickness is getting in the way of your homework, and need a hand, get in touch with Homework Help Canada and let us help you settle into your new life by taking care of some of that coursework for you. References: Lucier, K.L. (2011). “5 Ways for College Students to Survive Being Homesick.†U.S. News. Retrieved from: 5-ways-for-college-students-to-survive-being-homesick Watson, S. (2013). “Volunteering may be Good for Body and mind.†Harvard Health Publications. Retrieved from: volunteering-may-be-good-for-body-and-mind-201306266428 5 Ways to Alleviate Homesickness Top 5 Ways to Deal With Homesickness Top 5 Ways to Deal With Homesickness The shock of upending your life and moving across country, or across the world for some students, to attend college or university can cause your first big dose of homesickness. Suddenly leaving everything and everyone you know behind, especially if its your first time living away from home, can make new university students anxious and depressed. Often, students get trapped in a downward emotional spiral, worsening their homesickness by doing things that only make it worse. Homesickness is most often temporary, and once you settle into the routine of your new life, it ends up disappearing or becoming much less intense. If you are suffering from homesickness and would like some relief, below are 5 tips to help tackle it. Dont Stay in Your Room One of the worst things you can do if you are feeling homesick is to stay locked up in your room. Many new university students often try and cope with their homesickness by spending an unhealthy amount of time talking to friends and family, using it as a coping mechanism that can end up making matters worse. The best way to get over your homesickness fast is to explore the campus. Instead of sitting on your bed, take your reading or writing to the campus coffee shop, or even an off campus coffee shop. Simply being around other people who are probably experiencing the same thing can make a world of difference. Allow Time for Sadness This may seem counterproductive, but if you allot yourself time where you are allowed to be emotional and sad about how homesickness is affecting you, you can deal with these normal emotions in a more healthy way. If you have no class on Friday, instead of spending the whole day wallowing in your room, allow yourself a couple of hours to be by yourself and then get active and get your mind off it. Create Similarities While it is unlikely that your university town, residence, apartment etc. will ever be able to compare to, or take the place of where you grew up, it doesnt hurt to try and recreate the life that you left, to the best of your abilities. Did you have a hobby that you pursued with your friends back home? Look for similar clubs, or social groups to join on campus. Did you have a large, vibrant social circle that made you feel appreciated and comforted? Make an effort to be friendly with and meet new people on a daily basis. Do you crave community involvement? Why not try volunteering some of your time if you have some to spare in between classes? A lot of research has confirmed that volunteering your time does a lot to boost feelings of mental well-being. Pick up a Part Time Job If you can afford it, a great way to help take your mind off homesickness, as well as make some money and feel like you are being productive, is to pick up a part time job, whether on, or off campus. If you can spare the time throughout the week, or on the weekends, a part time job is often a good way to make you feel productive, which is good for your mental well-being, as well as a great way to broaden your social circle. Tell Yourself Youre not Alone Its easy to feel like you are the only person in the world going through something and that no one could possibly understand your pain, but the truth is, what you are experiencing is completely normal and very common. You would be surprised at the number of university students who are feeling and thinking the exact same things as you. If you need to talk to someone and dont feel comfortable discussing it with your peers, counselling centres on campus are full of caring, empathetic, experienced people who can help talk you through your emotions. They are adept at providing important perspectives on what you are going through. Dont give up! Homesickness can be crippling for some people, even prompting some students to give up. Homesickness is rarely permanent, and with the right approach, fairly easily dealt with. Starting a new chapter in your life, away from friends, family and familiarity is no walk in the park. If you find that homesickness is getting in the way of your homework, and need a hand, get in touch with Homework Help USA and let us help you settle into your new life by taking care of some of that coursework for you. References: Lucier, K.L. (2011). “5 Ways for College Students to Survive Being Homesick.†U.S. News. Retrieved from: 5-ways-for-college-students-to-survive-being-homesick Watson, S. (2013). “Volunteering may be Good for Body and mind.†Harvard Health Publications. Retrieved from: volunteering-may-be-good-for-body-and-mind-201306266428
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Defining Homogeneous Groups in Education
Homogeneous grouping in an educational setting is defined as placing students of similar instructional levels together where they can work on materials best suited to their particular strengths and areas for growth. These ability levels are usually determined by assessment and teacher observation. Homogeneous groups are also known as ability or ability-level groups. Homogeneous groups are in direct contrast with heterogeneous groups in which students of varying abilities are grouped together, usually randomly. Keep reading to find out how homogeneous groups are used as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this practice. Examples of Homogenous Groups Homogeneous groups are common in schools and many teachers use them even without realizing it. Read the following scenarios to understand the role that ability groups play in practice. Literacy A teacher designs small-group reading instruction based on the skills that the students in each group are developing. When organizing these homogeneous groups, a teacher puts all high students (those with the highest reading levels) together in their own group and meets with them all at the same time to read a more challenging text. She also meets with the low students to improve their reading by meeting them at their ability levels and selecting a text that is challenging but not too challenging. Math When designing math centers, a teacher collects three sets of materials: one for his lowest group, one for his middle group, and one for his highest group. These groups were determined by the most recent NWEA data sets. In order to ensure that his students independent practice is appropriate for their skill levels, the handouts and activities he selects are of different levels of difficulty. His lowest group does additional practice with concepts already taught and their work is intended to catch them up and support them if they fall behind so that they are on track with the curriculum. Note that referring to children as high or low is not an attribute of equitable teaching and you should never speak about your students in terms of their scores. Use your knowledge of their ability levels to make plans for their academic success only and refrain from disclosing levels and groupings to students, families, and other teachers unless absolutely necessary. Advantages of Homogenous Groups Homogeneous groups allow for lesson plans that are tailored to abilities and save teachers time addressing individual needs. When students are grouped by skill, they tend to have similar questions and areas of difficulty that can all be addressed at once. Students tend to feel comfortable and sufficiently challenged when they work with students that learn at about the same pace as themselves. Homogeneous groups mitigate the issues of students feeling held back from moving on or trailing far behind and struggling to keep up. Ability groups can maximize student achievement when properly executed. Disadvantages of Homogenous Groups Despite its advantages, there has been a push to lessen or eliminate the use of homogeneous grouping in schools for a few reasons. One reason is the treatment of students with mental, physical, or emotional needs that are almost always placed in lower groups. Some studies showed that low expectations placed on such groups by teachers were a self-fulfilling prophecy and these students did not end up receiving high-quality instruction. When poorly implemented, homogeneous groups fail to challenge students because they provide goals that students can too easily meet and do not have to stretch to. Finally, student ability levels vary by subject and many worry that grouping students too rigidly by their skills means that they will not receive appropriate assistance. They might get too much when they understand just fine or not enough when things get tough.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Critically Evaluate Change at Marks Spencer - 5311 Words
Abstract Marks and Spencer (MS) p.l.c. is one of the largest retailers in the United Kingdom with a selling space of 12.5 million square feet, was established in 1884 as ‘Penny bazaar’. MS sells clothing, food, footwear, gifts and home furnishings in its 760 stores around the world. The company’s wholly own and franchise stores operates in Europe, Hong Kong, Far East, Australia, Middle East, the Bahamas and Bermuda making a total of 34 countries. This report critically evaluates the changes at MS from the mid 1980s to current day. Initially it assesses and outlines the macro and micro environmental factors. Under macro environment the substantial competitive growth is explained using internet technology and globalisation. Under†¦show more content†¦Figure 1: GDP growth of the UK since 2002 Source: National Statistics (2007) According to Turban and King (2003), internet technology renders retailers an additional channel for branding, transactions and customer relationship management, the adaptation of which may drive down retailers’ transaction costs, and ensuring faster and higher quality of customer interactions, resulting in enlarging the existing markets and consumer base. MS realizes this and have tried to sell clothing via high street stores as well as via internet though they have experienced cost cutting, rationalisation and management changes in order to revive their business in recent years. Internet technology might enable sustainable competitive advantage, but problems remain on how to physically organize their online retail operations. As argued by Eaton (2001), globalization is an enterprise management feature, which increases liberalization of international trade and international competition. Needless to say, nowadays most of senior managers tend to plan their companies to go worldwide. In the early 1970s, MS expanded its international operation to purchase a 50 per cent shareholding of three Canadian companies for the first step. In November 1997 the company announced a 2,100 million GBP plan for global expansion which would be across Europe, the Far East and the Middle East (Bevan, 2002). 2.2. Micro Environment This part adopts Porter’s (1985) five-forceShow MoreRelatedStrategic Role Of Human Resource Management1550 Words  | 7 Pagespracticed in UK’s one of most known retail brand Marks Spencer. The company has been performing consistently well since its commencement. The report also analysis human resource planning and the development methods used by the MS, Finally examining how organisations contribute in achieving organisational objectives and requirements in performance. Company Profile Marks Spencer also known as MS established in 1894 in Leeds by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer. It is one of UK’s leading retail brand andRead MoreMarks Spencer1929 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿bstract: This report critically analyses how the external and internal factors affect the strategies of MS and modifies its business strategies. Even though MS has good strategy and marketing plans they haven’t used it to their advantage. It also tells how the macro and micro environment affect their strategy and their plan. The report uses frame works like PESTEL, SWOT and porter 5 forces. It further investigates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of MS. This report highlightsRead MoreFinancial Management4387 Words  | 18 Pages An Investigation of Marks and Spencer and the Hermes principles DATE: 11/04/08 1. Introduction Marks Spencer Plc (MS) is an international retailer which is currently operating in 34 countries and has established over 600 UK stores as well as over 219 franchise stores. The company trades in clothing, home furnishings and foods. The company’s corporate objective is to increase long-term shareholder wealth. The aim of the report is to evaluate the financial managementRead MoreStrategic Development Report ( Sdr ) On The Princes Trust Charity983 Words  | 4 Pagesthe strategy of the charity and undertake a process of analysis, formulation and review of its implementation (AFI) as outlined by Rothaermel, F (2013, pg20). This report will then outline strategic recommendations for the charity and finally critically evaluate these recommendations. Strategy, strategic thinking and strategic process (AFI) for organizations is important. Porter, M.E (1980) outlined the strategy and competiveness and he developed the term of ‘Strategic competitive advantage’ (SCA)Read MoreMarketing3107 Words  | 13 PagesI. INTRODUCTION Marks Spencer Group Plc is an international organization which doing business through Europe, North America and Asia. The located headquarter is in City of Westminster, London. The company sales clothing, footwear, gifts, house appliances, and food in over 600 stores in UK and over 300 stores across more than 40 countries in the world (Source online: Web1). The consumer’s confidence in the Marks and Spencer brand remains second to none By the way, the company can achieve many opportunitiesRead MoreMarks and Spencer3678 Words  | 15 PagesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report critically analyses the impact of external and internal influences on the business strategies of Marks and Spencer (MS) between 1996 and 2002, evaluates the factors, and modifies its business strategies. The major finding is that MS has successful business strategies and marketing plans. However, the company does not maintain these advantages continuously. Indeed, it causes some disadvantages. The purpose of this report is to evaluate how MS survives in theRead MoreThe Key Issues That M S Faced Developing And Implementing Its Strategic Plan3473 Words  | 14 PagesLeeds Beckett University MA International Business Critically evaluate the key issues that MS faced in developing and implementing its Strategic Plan Corporate Strategy Name: Jay Patel Student ID: 77154870â€Æ' Contents Introduction 1 Company overview 1 Environmental analysis 2 PESTLE 2 SWOT 3 Governance and Alliance Structure 4 Key issues facing M S 5 Challenge of Strategy Development in a multiple stakeholder environment 6 Evaluation of the Strategic Options facing MS 7 RecommendationsRead MoreMarks Spencer Case Study6101 Words  | 25 PagesMarks Spencer Case Study Introduction........................................................................ Page 3 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 1.0 PEST Analysis................................................................ Page 3 2.0 Porters Five Forces Model................................................. Page 4 INTERNAL ANALYSIS 3.0 Auditing the Resources of MS.......................................... Page 5 4.0 Value Chain Analysis....................................................Read MoreMS Case Study2089 Words  | 9 Pagess Case Study: Marks and Spencer Where now for an icon of British retailing? History and background Early history Marks and Spencer (Mamp;S) was founded by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer in 1884 - he called his business penny bazaars with signs reading Dont ask the price, its a penny (the forerunner of stores like Poundland today?) The company went public in the 1920s and by the 1970s Mamp;S had established itself as a British institution with locations in every major town andRead MoreIntroduction. This Essay Will Critically Evaluate The Adoption995 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction This essay will critically evaluate the adoption of International Accounting Standards by UK companies. IAS (International Accounting Standards) created by IASC (International accounting standards committee) are a set of standards stating how particular types of transactions and other events should be reflected in financial statements. Since 2001 the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) succeeded the IASC to create the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) which
Pinay Ako Free Essays
Pinay Ako â€Å"MANILA, Philippines- The inability of the Philippine economy to produce high-paying jobs especially for women has pushed Filipinos to marry foreigners as a way to provide for their families, the study Country Gender Assessment by regional lender Asian Development Bank said. †1 The research that was conducted last 2009 showed an estimate of 300,000 Filipinos of whom 92% are women, are married to foreigners mainly from United States, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom and South Korea. Pinay ako (translated as I am a Filipina) and I dislike the fact that we are well-known to the world to be gold-diggers –yes, that is how they call us. We will write a custom essay sample on Pinay Ako or any similar topic only for you Order Now I never planned nor wanted to be one of them. I remember going to a church that does not support the trending 18-year-old-pinay-marrying-80-year-old-kano2. Unexpectedly, I met Jaimee, 20. My parents and relatives were against us. It is because aside from being too young, Jaimee is a foreigner from Kansas, USA. We have been through a lot of troubles and we have prayed and cried so many times to fight for the love. I guess it is true that things that are meant to be will always be. The more they pulled us away from each other, the more we got closer. He became my husband after a year. I am going to be different among typical Filipinas. I have always been ambitious and I think I will always be. Jaimee told me that this is one of the traits that he liked the most in me. If truth to be told, before I met him I never wished for marriage. I wanted to be independent and free. When I was still at university my primary goal was a booming career. I am more of a career woman. I love business. I love office. I actually worked in our family’s small factory and did college at the same time. When I married Jaimee I got new goals in life. First is my promise to be the best wife to him and the best mother to our future children. Second is to make a difference. I am going to be different among typical Filipinas. I am going to take a stand and become a model and inspiration. How to cite Pinay Ako, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Tobacco Companies and thier ethics Essay Example For Students
Tobacco Companies and thier ethics Essay Tobacco Companies actively market a highly addictive and lethal product, and have done so for many years here in the United States and abroad. Their lack of ethics and social responsibility in the business world are apparent in documentation brought to light during lawsuits against them in recentyears. The desire for profit and expansion, rather than a concern for societal health, has dictated big tobacco company operations. These wealthy world powers continue to exercise unethical business practices in their approach to conducting business at a great communal and economic cost to societies worldwide. Ethics may be defined as a collection of moral principles and values regarding right and wrong that control individual and group behavior. Standards for ethical behavior and decisions arise from those moral principles and values. An individual or group may benefit or harm others in society. Human behavior may be categorized in one of three ways: codified law, free choice, or ethics. Laws enforced by the government provide values and standards society must obey. Free choice exists at the other end of the spectrum and provides complete freedom to pursue self-interests. No laws restrict free choice behaviors. Ethics occupies the zone between codified law and free choice. Society has shared beliefs and values used to dictate acceptable behavior. Ethical decisions are legally and morally approved by society (Daft, 25). We will write a custom essay on Tobacco Companies and thier ethics specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Tobacco companies produce a product for society desire and they make a profit doing so. They also satisfy legal responsibilities and obey laws although their political influence has frequently slanted the government process in their favor financially. Problems arise for tobacco companies when only law or free choice controls decision-making. Although producing and selling tobacco is legal, the business is not automatically ethical and does not benefit society as a whole. The positive effects of jobs within the tobacco industry are outweighed by the negative social, health, and economic costs to society. Currently, some tobacco companies are exercising discretionary responsibility by voluntary social contributions such as providing food, water, and other supplies to flood victims after recent hurricanes. This is the highest level of social responsibility and goes beyond societys expectations of the company (Daft, 28).The true motivation is more likely to improve their reputation rather than pure generosity. Legal action against tobacco companies left them with tarnished reputations. The tobacco companies have placed economic gain as the number one goal over social responsibility and have ignored the role of ethics in their business practices. Business has allowed corruption in the workplace. Competition is the essence of business. Winning is more important than how the game is played and the reward for tobacco companies is financial. Managers understand right and wrong in their personal life, but do not feel it applies to business practice. Generally people make an ethical decision w hen going to work for a company, then leave the ethical decisions to the company. The society of business rewards performance by obeying rules and performing tasks, not on how performance affects the outside world. As the jobs move further down the line into smaller pieces of the overall puzzle, it is easier to view the relationship between action and effect as less morally and operationally objectionable. In this way, large corporations serve to insulate individuals from the victims of the companys actions. The empathetic feeling that stimulates the conscience is absent. For workers today, life at work is an important social arena outside of the home (Krohe, 16). Ties to the community, extended family, and the political system are weaker compared to past generations. Workers may fear losing their job, and therefore, the desire for acceptance in the workplace encourages them to adopt corporate culture. Tobacco companies display a lack of ethical concern in producing, marketing, and selling tobacco products. The addictive and harmful effects of cigarettes were already well known by tobacco companies from the 1950s (Stauber, 1). The need to keep a supply of consumers addicted to nicotine in order to profit led to the development of the public relations industry. Exposing the tobacco companies knowledge and business practices began with a paralegal named Merrell Williams, Jr. He sent copies of a major tobacco companys internal communications from a law firm to Stan Glantz at the University of California at San Francisco who then published The Cigarette Papers. This analysis of what the tobacco companies knew and how they concealed it from the public was also published in the July 1995 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association (Gibbs, 2). This proved the tobacco companies lied about their findings. .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c , .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c .postImageUrl , .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c , .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c:hover , .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c:visited , .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c:active { border:0!important; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c:active , .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u27b5ee4d64c1994fb44c729409dd621c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kaymito Leaves as Antiseptic Mouthwash EssayWhen possible harmful effects from smoking led to a decline in cigarette sales, tobacco companies hired legendary public relations figures John Hill, Ivy Lee, and Edward Bernays to restore the security of their product in the market. This psychological marketing was first used on women and the children and included third party advocacy, subliminal message reinforcement, junk science, advocacy advertising, phony front groups, and buying favorable advertising and news reports (Stauber, 2). Sales to women increased with the implied message that cigarettes keep you slim from Virginia Slims and slogans such as Reach for a Lucky instea d of a sweet. To break the taboo that respectable women do not smoke, they produced advertising equating cigarettes with freedom as a symbol of womens liberation. Deluging society with decades of advertising on TV, in magazines, movies, radio, and billboards identified cigarettes with sex, youth, freedom, and vitality. By opening new markets in foreign countries, the tobacco companies continued to profit despite the bad press. Well-paid, powerful lobbyists prevented attempts to impose serious regulation and taxation by the government. The front group, National Smokers Alliance, created by Burson-Marstellar Public Relations and Philip Morris, set out to organize tobacco victims in order to protect tobacco profits. This state of the art campaign ran full-page newspaper ads, engaged in direct telemarketing, paid canvassers, and set up a toll free number and newsletters to bring smokers into the group. Paid young activists visited bowling alleys and bars to sign up smokers and encourage them to stand up for smokers rights. NSA members were encouraged to apply political pressure on politicians with regard to smoking in the workplace. Implying anti-smokers were anti-American pushed a discrimination against smokers freedom and rights, and was effective in uniting the group. Another front group created by PR and Philip Morris in California, nearly succeeded in overturning many restrictions already on the law books. The Californians for Statewide Smoking Restrictions implied they were for smoking restrictions, but actually favored smokers (Stauber, 3). Anti-smoking groups educated the public about the groups funding source andthe tobacco companys smokescreen failed. Politically, tobacco companies wield immense influence through political contributions and well-connected lobbyists (Common Cause, 1). By delaying or blocking bills, the tobacco industry avoided control by the government for years. Politicians were rewarded financially by tobacco and stood to lose easy campaign money if they challenged tobacco. Tobacco companies also exerted influence against anti-tobacco politicians by contributing to their competitors campaigns. Generous awards, special interest money, and jobs after public service sweetened the deal and bought silence and inactivity on legislative bills for many years. Now public awareness and the media make tobacco supporters less popular. Congress has a moral and public policy duty to prevent smoking in children (Common Cause, 1-2). The goal for tobacco companies is now to avoid losing legal and political battles. The battle to alter public opinion on smoking and health is already lost (Stauber, 3). Eventually ignoring ethics le ads to more laws and regulations as society attempts to alter unethical business practice (Daft, 2). One ploy used by the tobacco companies to ease the minds of nervous consumers was the creation of the low tar cigarette. The actual tar exposure and the subsequent health risk are about the same as a conventional cigarette. and nicotine amounts listed on the cigarette label came from machines designed to smoke the cigarette, not humans. The appeal to the public came from the implied lower tar and nicotine yield and thus a lower health risk. The tobacco companies documents indicate the effects of tobacco were known for many years. The cigarettes were designed to give low readings when machines smoked them and higher yield when people smoked them (Jarvis, 2).The tar In 1978 the US Tobacco Institute indicated passive smoking might be harmful (Lown, 1). This changed smoking into a public health dilemma for the entire community. After successful workmans compensation cases, came the intro duction of restrictions for smoking on the job. Consumption of cigarettes and profits dropped in response. Tobacco companies responded to another attack by advertising, attempting to discredit medical research, promoting smokers rights organizations, and by evaluating for sick building syndrome. Sick building syndrome is a general term used to refer to the development of a variety of signs and symptoms believe to be caused by exposure to indoor air (Lown, 1). It diverted unwelcome attention away from smoking in the workplace, and focused on pollutants other than smoke as the cause of employee illness. .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 , .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 .postImageUrl , .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 , .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85:hover , .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85:visited , .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85:active { border:0!important; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85:active , .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85 .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u599064d34f8773d1cb7e42791f4e9b85:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Ozone Layer EssayEvidence shows most smokers begin smoking at about fourteen years of age and almost all begin before reaching adulthood. Studies indicate the earlier the habit begins, the harder it is to quit. Most smokers are addicted to nicotine before they are old enough to legally purchase cigarettes. Compared to smokers that begin smoking in adulthood, adolescents are more likely to smoke heavily all their life, die prematurely, and succumb to smoking related illness. As with other health related concerns, teens are notoriously unconcerned with future health risks. Adolescents underestimate the harmful effects of cigarettes and do not realize addiction to nicotin e is possible even with experimentation. Nicotine delivered through tobacco is quite addictive. Teens believe they can avoid the long-term harmful effects by smoking for only a few years. Most young people do not plan on smoking for the rest of their lives at the outset. Because of their incomplete growth and development, teens are incapable of understanding what smoking will do to them physically and emotionally. Cigarettes are sold everywhere. Access for minors is easy with vending machines. Convenience stores often sell cigarettes next to the candy racks. Youth receive the message society is not concerned with preventing tobacco use in young people (SAILOR, 1). Another way tobacco companies manipulate youth is by sponsoring sporting and music events. A large number of youth attend these events and tobacco companies get high visibility advertising for their investment. It cements the connection between athletic prowess, artistic expression, glamour, entertainment, individuality, and cigarettes (SAILOR, 2). Tobacco companies indirectly imply cigarettes are a part of that world and smoking is a way of belonging. Despite the attacks on tobacco in this country their profits remain high as they relocate their battle onto foreign soil. Their long-range goal is to maintain current profits in industrialized nations and concentrate their resources on third world countries, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union. In the past ten years sales in the US fell seventeen percent, but exports rose two hundred fifty-nine percent. For RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris sixty percent of their profits are generated from foreign countries (Lown, 3). Developing countries are vulnerable to tobacco companies in several ways. Many foreign countries have no advertising controls in place to limit tobacco advertising. They also do not have appropriate health warning requirements and few, if any, pressure groups fighting for tobacco controls. There are usually no age restrictions or limitations on public smoking. Foreign populations are poorly educated as to tobaccos harmful effects and there is no health information directed to the tobacco companies target teens. Because cigarettes sold overseas have a higher tar and nicotine content, they are very addictive and more lethal (Lown, 3). should not rule business. The goal is to eliminate the tobacco industry not merely drive them into bankruptcy (Gibbs, 2). Not long ago it was unheard of to fight a tobacco company in court and win. Eliminating smoking may be possible sooner than we realize. Measures to end the reign of tobacco should begin in the United States. The American Medical Association has recommended the elimination of all tobacco advertising, regulation of cigarettes as drug delivery devices, prohibition of tobacco exports, and to continue aggressive legal action to recover medical costs from tobacco companies. Society must convey the importance of preventing youth smoking by demanding and enforcing no tobacco use on school and restricted public property and strictly penalizing distribution of cigarettes to minors. Effective counseling and treatment for addicted smokers is essential to help end tobaccos grip on the public. The public attitude toward smoking continues to shift in favor of healthier life habi ts. Finally public pressure is forcing the unethical tobacco companies to pay up. Bibliography:Works CitedDaft, Richard L. (1997) Management. Fort Worth: Dryden PressGibbs, W. Wayt (1998) Big Tobaccos Worst Nightmare. In ScientificAmerican. Available: (10-18-99)Jarvis, Martin, and Bates, Clive (1999) Why Low Tar Cigarettes Dont Workand How the Tobacco Industry Has Fooled The Smoking Public. Available:, James (1997) Ethics are Nice, but Business is Business and related articles.In Across The Board. 1997, v. 34, n. 4, p. 16(7)Lown, Bernard (1998) Tobacco 2- The Opium Wars of the 21st Century: Tobaccoand the Developing World. Available:, John and Rampton, Sheldon (1995) Smokin! How the American Tobacco Industry Employs PR Scum to Continue Its Murderous Assault on Human Lives. Available: Inhalers. In Common Cause Magazine. (Spring 1995)Available: Tobacco Use Among Youth. SAILOR Marylands online public information network. Available:
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